211 Ontario – Services for people with disabilities


211Ontario.ca provides an extensive list of community and social services from across Ontario for persons with disabilities. You can enter your postal code or the name of your town or City or browse their services by topic. They organize their services for persons with disabilities with the following sub-categories:

Assessment support and connections to community support services a person may be eligible for. May provide summary advice and referral for areas related to abuse, home care, power of attorney and disability services.

Funding and suppliers of medical supplies, equipment and aids for people with long-term disabilities.

Resources and services for children with physical, developmental or learning disabilities.

Employment, education and training services focusing on the needs of adults with developmental and physical disabilities.

Organizations that support children and adults with a disability and who raise awareness by providing education of challenges faced by people with disabilities.

Programs for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

Programs for individuals with physical disabilities and their families.

Financial assistance for home repair deficiencies, energy efficiency upgrades and accessibility upgrades.

Non-medical services that enable older adults and individuals with disabilities to continue living independently in the community.

Promote awareness and respect for person with learning disabilities and support individuals with learning disabilities and their families to meet their evolving needs.

Congregate dining for isolated or frail seniors and older adults with disabilities, with a focus on nutrition and socialization. May offer transportation to and from the site.

Provides income support and employment support to meet the needs of people with disabilities and their families who are in financial need, or who want to work. See also Service Canada centres for information about Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefits.

Permits to park in designated parking spaces.

Transportation services for those with short-term or long-term disabilities. Rides for medical appointments, day programs, weekly shopping and other important resources.


Youth with disabilities

Resources and services for youth with physical, developmental or learning disabilities.